Intelligent Methods for Structures, Elements and Materials


Project title in Croatian: Sinergija primjene inteligentnih metoda u procjeni ponašanja zgrada, elemenata i materijala i inovativna uporaba recikliranih građevinskih materijala zasnovana na eksperimentalnim i novim pristupima za uspostavu održivog životnog prostora


Project title in English: Intelligent Methods for Structures, Elements and Materials


Acronym: IM4StEM


Project number: 2023-1-HR01-KA220-HED-000165929


Project dates: 1.9.2023. – 31.8.2026.


Applicant organisation: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek






The consortium of 7 partners will by involvement of students and professors in seismic risk research, damage prediction and testing of new recycled building materials using digital tools and ML strengthen capacity in work, research and teaching to educate for sustainable development. The backbone of activity is virtual and combined cooperation with the usage of IT tools and active involvement of all stakeholders from the public and private sectors in dissemination.

During 36 months, data will be collected from databases and in situ via digital maps in several countries. Various scenarios, reports, guidelines and measures will be created through digital tools, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Laboratory tests of recycled const. material –bio mortar, bricks from Petrinja and demolished buildings from Turkey. Education through webinars,


new and updated courses. Networking will be established with stakeholders within and cross-sector. Presentation of research results will be implemented in all partner institutions.

Implementation of activities will result in developed IT tool and 52500 building characteristics will be collected. Models for prediction will be created and a Machine Learning Module implemented. Report of Predominant typologies of buildings, Priority index of building damage, Vulnerability predictions, application of biomortar, use of composites with recycled bricks will be developed.


Coordinator: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek



  • Universidad Pablo De Olavide, Spain
  • Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Serbia
  • Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi, Türkiye
  • Politechnika Wroclawska, Poland
  • Sveuciliste u Splitu, Croatia
  • Universitatea Transilvania Din Brasov