
Dear Students of Civil Engineering,


Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek (GFOS) welcomes you to spend five days of summer in the green city of Osijek, situated on the banks of the Drava River in the most eastern part of Croatia. Join this event organized by the students of the Faculty supported by the Faculty members! Join International Summer Conference of Civil Engineering Students (ISUCCES) and feel the heat of civil engineering.


If you are undergraduate or graduate student of civil engineering eager to travel the world, make new friends, get innovative ideas or share the knowledge and, among other things, you like sports, cultural and other social activities, you have found the perfect summer event.


Six days of the ISUCCES include challenge in building small-scale models that will be tested under static and/or dynamic loading, presentation of students’ scientific work and short lectures given by the Faculty staff. The event includes visiting a construction site, city sightseeing, cultural night, sports, barbecue party and other social and cultural activities.


In order to participate in the ISUCCES you need to register and submit a scientific paper based on specifications of the official conference website.


There is no attendance fee! Free meals and accommodation will be provided for all the participants. Furthermore, best paper presented and the best model will be awarded, while two best presented papers evaluated by the Committee will be published in the Electronic Journal e-GFOS Special edition of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek.


A maximum of 24 teams made of two undergraduate and/or graduate students will be selected to participate in the event, where they are going to present their paper and participate in challenge of building a small-scale model. After successful completion of this event all the participants are going to receive a participation certificate.


So, if you want to be a part of the ISUCCES and your paper is accepted, the only thing left to do is to buy a ticket for a bus, train or plane and get to Osijek. Organizing team will be waiting for you at the railway or bus station and will help you to accommodate in Osijek.


Share your knowledge, explore your engineering skills! Be a part of ISUCCES!


Visit our site and find out the details:


We look forward to welcoming you in Osijek!


Your ISUCCES team





ISUCCES (International Summer Conference of Civil Engineering Students) je konferencija koja se održava na Građevinskom fakultetu u Osijeku već nekoliko godina za redom. Upravo je ISUCCES glavni razlog nastanka udruge i njenog djelovanja. Konferencija je sedmodnevni međunarodni skup koncipiran u dva tipa natjecanja. Prvi dio natjecanja je na osnovu prezentacija znanstvenih, istraživačkih ili diplomskih radova koje sudionici prezentiraju. Drugi dio se bazira na izradi modela konstrukcija od balze koje se kasnije ispituju na potresnom stolu.

Konferencija je potpuno besplatna za sudionike, a jedino što si pristupnici moraju osigurati jest prijevoz i put do Osijeka. Njen cilj je okupljanje studenata građevinske struke kako bi unaprijedili svoja znanja i vještine, a pored toga stekli nova poznanstva i prijateljstva širom svijeta.


Kod nas nema neugodnih iznenađenja. Jedino iznenađenje koje možete očekivati je da vaš trud i zalaganje budu nagrađeni. Prvo mjesto odnosi tim čiji model bude najbolji, a drugo mjesto tim s najboljom prezentacijom.


Ukoliko imate bilo kakva pitanja ili nejasnoće u vezi konferencije, slobodno nas kontaktirajte na naš e-mail: Članovi našeg ISUCCES organizacijskog tima će vam rado pomoći.

Također, valja napomenuti da je konferencija ISUCCES dvije godine za redom dobila nagradu za najbolji studentski projekt na Sveučilištu J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku. Ove godine za projekt ISUCCES, na kongresu studentskih udruga, dodijeljena nam je prva nagrada za najbolji studentski projekt na razini Hrvatske.